Author: Freddie Ossberg

Freddie Ossberg is the Founder and Managing Director of Raconteur, producer of special reports for The Times and Sunday Times. In addition to winning Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2010, he has led the company to be shortlisted for awards such as Fast Growth Company, Print Product of the Year and Independent Publisher of the Year due to Raconteur’s exponential growth in the special reports niche and expansion into custom publishing, market research, and online content. Chat with him about content marketing, premium publishing, and all things film on Twitter @FreddieOssberg. You can check out all of Raconteur’s first-class journalism at

By freddie-ossberg published July 13, 2015

How to Guarantee Internal Buy-in for Your Big Content Projects


Marketers need to ask their fellow C-level colleagues: “Do we want to be spending money on creating average marketing that gets lost in the noise, or on investing in a voice, brand, and knowledge platform that are a cut above everyone else?”

The answer is obvious – no smart leader would ever pick the “noise” option. And yet, buy-in for content marketing investments is difficult. Internal matters of ego and politics, questions about ROI, and limited resources and budget create serious obstacles.Continue Reading