Author: Yoav Vilner

Yoav Vilner is the CEO at Ranky. He’s also mentoring startups in accelerators such as Microsoft and Yahoo and a regular columnist at most top tier media – Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, TheNextWeb, Venturebeat and more. Follow him on Twitter at @YoavVilner.

By yoav-vilner published January 17, 2016

4 Tools to Create Interactive Content in Minutes


If we take a quick glimpse into the crystal ball, we see a future of content marketing less about the impact of words and more about the experiences created for the consumer. Traditional content has flooded the Internet and is starting to feel stale. Admit it – how often do you find yourself briefly skimming an article only to move on within seconds to something new?

Brands are coming to terms with this reality, fostering tools that engage their audiences in an activity – answering quizzes, watching clips, or exploring scenarios. It’s the perfect way to capture the audience’s attention from the get-go. It can challenge individuals to think and respond – snoozing is no longer the preferred option.Continue Reading