Author: Dave Bell

Dave Bell is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Gummicube. In this role, Dave oversees the business strategy for the company, driving growth, and market development. Dave is a pioneer of the mobile entertainment industry with more than 15 years of experience publishing, marketing, and distributing mobile applications and games across carrier, direct to consumer and app store channels.

By dave-bell published January 22, 2016

Creating Preview Videos: Your BFF for Getting App Downloads


With more than 60% of downloads coming from users searching inside the app stores, a great preview video is necessary to tell a compelling story to convert shoppers from “just browsing” to “engaged users.”

An app preview video requires more work than simply recording the app in action. It is the first creative asset that users see. Everything from the call to action down to the colors and features highlighted in the first few seconds can be the difference between hundreds and thousands of conversions.Continue Reading