Author: Orlee Gillis

Orlee Gillis is a visual content loyalist. Among all her Content Writing endeavors, posts about visual content are always first on her list of ideas. Content with background music and combinations of still with moving images is what really gets her creativity moving and shaking. Orlee will never pass up a chance to deliberate about Grammar nuances. You can follow her on Twitter @2EEsinOrlee or on LinkedIn.

By orlee-gillis published January 27, 2016

Add Jaw-Dropping, Interactive Visuals to Your Content: 5 Tools to Help


I think of myself as a visual content junkie. Visual content tools never cease to amaze me, and lately I’ve realized the added benefits of embedding tools – how much more effective they make your visuals.

Why would you give up the option to integrate your visual content on your site? Why would you ask your readers to go elsewhere to view the content in its natural habitat?Continue Reading