Author: Andrew Littlefield

Andrew Littlefield writes about marketing for Ceros, a publication that uncovers stories of creativity in marketing and design. He loves debunking marketing legends, like the Goldfish Attention Span Myth, and talking to creative leaders like Target’s CCO. He refuses to include his Myers-Briggs type in his Twitter profile and believes RTs ARE endorsements.

By andrew-littlefield published January 17, 2017

Ask Great Interview Questions Like a Journalist


At the ripe age of 28, after years of performing odd jobs at a small radio station, Larry King found his first job interviewing people on the radio.

But he wasn’t sitting in front of that famous globe backdrop or interviewing world leaders as he would do later on CNN. He was sitting in Pumpernik’s, a Jewish deli in Miami, interviewing whoever happened to have walk through the door.Continue Reading