Author: Renae Gregoire

Renae Gregoire helps business owners and marketers create content that leads more people to “YES!” She does so by strategizing, writing, editing, and empathizing, always asking whether prospects will like what they see, hear, feel, and experience while interacting with your brand. Get her free e-book “5 Ways to Power-Up Your Marketing Content” at She’s on Twitter @WriterRen.

By renaegregoire published October 6, 2017

How to Infuse ‘Know,’ ‘Like,’ and ‘Trust’ Into Your Content


You’ve read the research that says people prefer to do business with people they know, like, and trust, right?

Me, too.

Yet whenever I hear that advice, I think, “that sounds nice,” but what does it really mean to know, like, and trust someone? And what does it take for that person to know, like, or trust your brand?

And, more important, how do you translate that understanding into your content?

Get audiences to know, like, and trust you through your #content, says @WriterRen. Click To Tweet

To get at the answers, I investigated what it really means to know, like, and trust. I’ll share what I found, along with examples of companies that get each of those elements right.

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