Author: Jeff Herrmann

Jeff Leo Herrmann is a B2B showrunner and the president of Madison, Michigan, and Market. Jeff loves helping CMOs align their content marketing strategy to a winning sales process. In addition to being a mobile marketing pioneer, Jeff has an intense belief that organizations are better off engaging their audiences with educational and entertaining content rather than blasting them with traditional interruption-based advertising and sales campaigns. Jeff earned an MBA in finance and economics from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and holds an undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences. Follow him on Twitter @JeffLHerrmann and LinkedIn.

By jeffherrmann published December 14, 2017

How to Better Understand the Size and Composition of Your B2B Audience

better-understand-size_composition-b2b-audienceIn my corporate days, I asked this question of the marketing team on a weekly basis: “Who are these 20,000 people in our email newsletter database? Do they even fit our ideal client profile?”

I’m embarrassed to admit, instead of pushing for the answer, we stayed on the hamster wheel churning out a weekly newsletter featuring one staffer blog post, two curated industry articles, and one marketing meme. No wonder our click-through and open rates were low and never budged.

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