Author: Denise Roberts McKee

Denise Roberts McKee is the chief story strategist at Electric Campfire StorySessions. She specializes in helping organizations find their unique and iconic stories, and then craft those stories into compelling, engaging content. She is a founding member of September Club, a documentary creative shop whose projects include JIM & ANDY (VICE/Netflix) and ZEDD: TRUE COLORS (Geffen/Innerscope) and oversees operations for its sister company About Face Media. The Online Marketing Institute named Denise as one of their Top 40 Digital Strategists in Marketing. Her recent book “The Electric Campfire: A Marketer’s Guide to Documentary Storytelling” provides an in-depth look at documentary storytelling strategies for content development and marketing. Follow her on Twitter @drmckee.

By deniserobertsmckee published June 8, 2018

How to Use Documentary Filmmaking Techniques to Craft Memorable Content

use-documentary-filmmaking-craft-memorable-content“Those who tell the stories rule the world.” – Hopi Native American proverb (apocryphal)

When Facebook announced the latest changes to its news feed in January, its intention was clear: to reduce further the amount of content users see from brands and publishers, particularly what it deems low-quality “engagement bait.”

Across the industry, this latest update has been interpreted as the final nail in the coffin of organic reach. Strategies can no longer rely on short, snackable pieces of content that only seek to momentarily pause people’s attention while they scroll through their feeds. Building your audience wholly (or mostly) through rented social sites isn’t going to produce sustainable results anymore.

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