Author: Elisa Huang

Elisa Huang is an editor, writer, and project manager specializing in editorial and branded content strategy. She is deputy managing editor at Stacker Media and has spent more than a decade producing and managing content for media publications and brand clients covering health, higher education, social impact, food, and lifestyle.

By elisa-huang published June 29, 2022

Turn Dry Data Into Rich, Relatable Stories With These Tips

One of the best things about being a content writer is that no matter the topic, we have a lot of insights at our fingertips. You can use it to provide perspective, validate ideas, give more context, etc.

Of course, all that data also is one of the worst things for a content writer. How do you dig out the story behind the numbers without getting buried under the mountains of facts and stats?

At Stacker, we shape our newswire stories around data and use it to drive all our storytelling. We’ve found the best-performing articles – regardless of topic – share similar strategic data-centered approaches. Here’s some of what we learned by creating data-driven content that engages audiences and earns links from other sites.Continue Reading