Author: Randi Neville

Randi Neville is a disabled queer author and a nine-year marketing veteran from Houston, TX. Her interests involve watching pro-wrestling, watercolor painting, and being the world's best aunt. She is currently writing her second novel, as well as working at IronEdge Group as a marketing manager. Her latest poem is in Issue 19 of Coffee People Zine. Follow her on Twitter @thatgirlrandi.

By randi-neville published March 8, 2023

The Productivity Hack That Helps Me Tackle My Content Marketing To-Do List

When it comes to task management, I’ve tried it all. I’ve used Asana, Trello, ClickUp, Monday, Notion, etc. I’ve built Gantt charts, placed sticky notes on physical Kanban boards, and used pen and paper to make list after list. I’ve followed the Getting Things Done method. I’ve even tried a stack of index cards with a binder clip cleverly called a “Hipster PDA.” Yeah, that was a thing.

Nothing stuck.

Until now.Continue Reading