Author: Ann Meany

Ann Meany is managing editor at Brandpoint, a content-based marketing solutions company that helps build exposure, credibility and awareness for brands. Ann has more than a decade of experience in digital media and marketing and leads a talented team of multi-channel content creators who produce engaging, relevant content for Brandpoint’s clients. You can follow Ann on Twitter @annkmeany or join the Brandpoint community @brandcontent and Facebook.

By ann-meany published February 13, 2014

The New iPhone Feature That Could Change Your Mobile Content Strategy

woman with phone, drinkImagine a member of your target audience standing in a crowded store aisle, feeling overwhelmed by all the choices. What if you could just reach out and give him or her something to help with the decision — a coupon, product information, discounts — right at that moment? Content marketers will soon have the ability to do this, and a whole lot more, now that iBeacon has arrived.

Included as part of Apple’s iOS 7, the iBeacon feature uses Bluetooth location-based technology to allow a sensor to communicate with a nearby device. Tiny transmitters can be placed throughout a building to determine visitors’ locations and send targeted alerts to their phones as they move about.

The potential uses for this technology are just beginning to be explored, but one thing is for certain — this will be a powerful new tool for content marketers, and we should be thinking now about how to craft a content strategy around ways to capitalize on its potential. Continue Reading

By ann-meany published June 19, 2012

Outsourcing Your Content? How to Get the Best Work from Your Freelancer

outsourcing your content to freelance writers, CMIMost marketers would agree that one of their biggest challenges is creating and maintaining enough relevant content day after day. Feeding the insatiable appetites of a weekly blog, Facebook, Twitter, enewsletters, Google+ and other outlets isn’t easy.

And it’s not enough to have a lot of content; it has to be high-quality content. Marketing professionals ranked professional-level writing and truly custom content as the top two attributes they look for in outsourced content, according to a recent survey by Brandpoint and CMI.

So how do you get quality plus quantity? If you decide to outsource (which Sunil Rajaraman recently discussed), you need to find trusted contractors who can reliably deliver content that speaks in your voice and captures your goals.Continue Reading

By ann-meany published February 3, 2012

4 Critical Steps to Seducing Your Customer with Passionate Storytelling

Yes, chocolate is great, but central to the mystique of Valentine’s Day is the power and importance of the cleverly written word. No other holiday relies quite so heavily on the seductive spell of language. Whether it’s a poem, a greeting in a card, or even a short message — such as an email, a tweet, or a candy heart phrase — content reigns supreme when it comes to Valentine’s Day.

The same elements that make a Valentine’s Day message successful can work for content marketers, as well.  Even a message on a piece of candy could teach us something.

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By ann-meany published November 3, 2011

Garage Band Social Media: Is Your Message on the Right Playlist?

Getting information out there seems easy, right? Our hyper-connected era offers so many social media options for disseminating messages. But just because we can communicate through a variety of tools doesn’t always mean that we should or that one size fits all.

If you want to get your message out effectively, you need to make sure it fits its environment. The message should sound right in the context in which it is presented.

How do you know what sort of communication style to choose for any given channel? Think in terms of music.

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By ann-meany published October 3, 2011

How Fighting Zombies Can Make You Better at Content Marketing

Zombies and Content MarketingZombies have taught us a lot about surviving in the world: Always check the backseat, beware of public restrooms, wear seatbelts and, most importantly, keep up with your cardio.

But what can they teach us about content marketing? It turns out, a lot.

If you want to thrive in the content marketing world, remember these important truths as revealed by the latest learnings on dealing with zombie hordes.Continue Reading