Author: Matt Cooper

Matt Cooper is the CEO of Visually , a content creation platform that enables businesses to connect with their audiences through premium visual content - created fast and cost-effectively by highly vetted creative professionals. Matt is passionate about the latest visual content marketing trends and best practices for video, infographics, e-books, presentations, web interactives, and more. Follow him on Twitter @matt_cooper and learn more via Visually’s blog.

By matt-cooper published January 26, 2016

How to Use Content That Isn’t Yours


The Oatmeal’s creator Matthew Inman posted a comic comparing having a baby to having a cat. For those who eschewed procreation in favor of raising felines, the comic is a (hilarious) validation. It also rings true for parents who have gone the baby route. The web-based comic went viral, racking up over 300,000 shares on Facebook alone.

That massive traffic proved all too alluring, and a blogger at the Huffington Post reposted the entire comic in the body of an article. Understandably peeved that another corporate entity was profiting from his hard work, Inman switched the image connected to the link, with this message:Continue Reading

By matt-cooper published November 18, 2015

Is It Ethical for a Freelance Journalist to Work in Content Marketing?


In a Medium article, Amy Westervelt detailed her journey from journalist to content marketer and back to journalist. For several years she ghostwrote columns for CEOs, with many appearing in venerable outlets like Forbes and Entrepreneur. Most of her content gigs paid much higher rates than Amy could demand as a freelance journalist. “Corporations realize the value of good writing and they’re willing to pay for it,” she wrote. “Increasingly, they’re more willing to pay for it than advertising, which is more obviously promotional.”

And yet she said goodbye to content marketing. Why? In a five-point list, she explains how she’s grown increasingly uncomfortable writing advertorial content, which Amy blames for contributing to the demise of her previous and once-again profession – journalism.Continue Reading

By matt-cooper published November 10, 2015

Is It Time to Ditch Your Company Blog’s Comments Section?


There was a time, not so long ago, when a blog or news site’s comments section was considered a boon to Internet dialogue – a way for the “people formerly known as the audience” to break past the media gatekeepers and create meaningful discussion on an issue or topic. Comments were a new evolution of the traditional letters to the editor appearing in newspapers for more than a century. No single arbiter of taste would decide which letters appeared in the paper and which were thrown to the waste bin.Continue Reading

By matt-cooper published October 21, 2015

How to Craft Visual Content for a Mobile Audience


Name any of the most highly regarded data visualizations offered in the last half decade and there’s no doubt the most stunning examples involved intricate design and elaborate storytelling.

Take The New Yorker’s wonderful Inequality and New York’s Subway interactive graphic as an example:Continue Reading

By matt-cooper published September 22, 2015

How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Visual Content


This summer, a video, The Fallen of World War II, was uploaded to Vimeo and gained attention across the Internet. Written, directed, coded, and narrated by a data-visualization specialist named Neil Halloran, the video spends 18 jaw-dropping minutes narrating the history of World War II through the prism of how many people died. Using a single stick figure to represent a thousand deaths, Halloran methodically walks us through the carnage, stacking up both civilian and military casualties in such a way that quantifies the horror of history’s deadliest war. In doing so, Halloran imparted knowledge and information in a way no history textbook ever could. In terms of data visualization, I can think of few examples that can compare to Halloran’s video in both scope and breadth.Continue Reading