Author: Mike Agron

Mike Agron is the executive webinar producer for WebAttract, which he co-founded in 2008. WebAttract provides professional production and training services for marketing professionals who want to excel at using webinars for achieving their demand generation goals. He is an award-winning author, frequent guest speaker on webinar demand generation best practices for the American Marketing Association and Content Marketing Institute, and will also be presenting for his fourth time at Content Marketing World 2016. He is also the lead instructor for WebAttract’s Master Webinar Producer Training Course.

By mikeagron published August 25, 2021

Webinar Planning Checklist for Content Marketing: From ‘Let’s Do It’ to ‘Action’

Updated Aug. 25, 2021

Webinars are a high form of content marketing, as they can breathe life into static content such as a case study or research report. An engaging webinar is like a well-produced radio show with pictures. It is a five-act, mini-theatrical event.

A webinar done well can help you move your buyer’s sales needle from “just researching” to “ready to buy now.” In the latest CMI research, two-thirds (67%) of B2B marketers say they do webinars.

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By mikeagron published May 13, 2016

Ultimate Planning Checklist for Successful Webinars


Webinars are a high form of content marketing, as they can breathe life into static content such as a case study or research report. An engaging webinar is like a well-produced radio show with pictures. It is a five-act, mini-theatrical event.

Done well, a webinar can help you move your buyer’s sales needle from “just researching” to “ready to buy now.” In the latest CMI research, two-thirds of B2B marketers used webinars and 66% found them to be effective.Continue Reading

By mikeagron published August 16, 2012

5 Tips for Creating Professional-Quality Audio Content

OnTheAir.iStock_000007690527Small-2-345x230Audio is the Achilles heel of webinars, as well as other forms of content — like podcasts, teleseminars, and videos — that rely on clear sound. We have all heard poor audio, and it’s really a turnoff — not to mention how poorly it impacts engagement. For any virtual event, audio is critical to connecting with your audience. But attaining quality audio involves more than just technology; it has to do with four key interactive considerations: human, technological, environmental, and logistical factors.Continue Reading