Author: Brian Watson

As an Adobe Search Program Manager, Brian Watson manages the content production and flow to the Adobe blog publications. He specializes in building systems to overcome the constraints that often intercede in content marketing management. At Adobe, he writes to guide content marketers in solving their challenges. Brian loves to hear from his readers, and would appreciate any feedback to better understand problems content marketer’s face today. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter @brianwcontent.

By brian published October 26, 2015

Breaking Content Marketing Constraints – A Small-Business Case Study


Earlier this year, based on my work at Adobe and my career, I wrote Is Time Really the Problem? Break the Bottlenecks in Content Production to challenge readers to discover and address the real hurdle in their content production cycle.

One particular reader’s comment ended up challenging me. It came from Michael Aldea, a small-business owner: “Fantastic post … so, what happens when you look at your systems and find out YOU are the bottleneck. For smaller companies like mine, creating content is a matter of sheer workload spread over just a few. Any suggestions for this?”Continue Reading

By brian published July 7, 2015

Are Organizational Silos Keeping Your Content Marketing Team From Success?


Simplifying the process is a primary concern for content marketers. As organizations get larger and more complex, they switch from having one person who handles social and PR to hiring whole teams to handle different aspects of the content marketing process. These might include search teams, SEO teams, and PR teams.

The problem arises when these teams get tunnel vision, focusing on what their metrics are without understanding and contributing to the whole vision of the marketing department. Silos develop, creating a domino effect of increasing complexity. In my role at Adobe, one of my major initiatives focuses on breaking down these silos.Continue Reading

By brian published April 13, 2015

Is Time Really the Problem? Break the Bottlenecks in Content Production

bottlenecks-content-production-coverBy far, I have found that the most difficult question content marketers face today is: How can I find the time to create enough content? Industry experts suggest hundreds of tips, including carrying around a notepad, doing voice recording in the subway, and more. However practical and useful those tips are, today I want to look at this dilemma from a company-wide perspective.

I work at Adobe in content production. Throughout my career, it has become clear that having time to create content at an enterprise level is much more about the flow of ideas from production to publication than about following time-management tips.Continue Reading