Author: Heather Rast

Heather Rast is Principal of Insights & Ingenuity, a Cedar Rapids digital marketing company. Heather applies brand development methodologies to help companies plan, create, and govern web content that serves their online communities. She contributes to Social Media Explorer, 99 designs, HubSpot and Workshifting blogs. Find her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter @heatherrast.

By heatherrast published July 25, 2012

Create Content that Nurtures — and Nudges — Your Prospects

content that nurtures prospects, CMIContent both motivates actions and resolves problems. As marketing communications practitioners, it’s natural for us to think about what it takes to get a little attention from a buyer. But are we doing all we should with our content to nurture those buyer prospects that are milling around the periphery of the sales funnel — gradually mitigating their concerns, soothing their anxieties, and building their confidence so that they are ready to advance through the sales funnel?Continue Reading

By heatherrast published November 18, 2011

3 Tips to Help Your Blog Content Pop for Your Readers

Once upon a time, there were two blog authors who were well-respected in their industries. Equally smart and versed on a subject area, they each wrote posts about important stuff.

Author A wanted to tell others about the flaws in some conventional thinking and disprove claims made by competitors in his field. He always laid out the science, supporting his position very thoroughly with lots of detailed documentation. Point by point, he explained things from all angles. There was no way a reader could click away without agreeing with his perspective or leave unimpressed with his proofreading standards.

Author B had some strong opinions himself. He covered issues in a similar industry but took an alternative approach to encourage his readers to think differently. He keenly knew that even when learning people like to be entertained. With knowledge of the issues and a goal to persuade, he wrote funny, witty posts that favored subtle substance. He dared use his business blog to target purchase decision makers, not with lofty theory or hard, dry science, but instead with a genuine, disarming style.

Which blog do you think drew more readers? Stimulated more business inquiries?Continue Reading