Author: Steve Glauberman

Steve Glauberman founded Enlighten in 1983 as one of the nation's first interactive agencies with a vision for how technology could be coupled with imaginative content and incisive marketing to improve the ways businesses connect with their customers. Under Steve's leadership, Enlighten quickly established a sterling reputation for creating work that was visually stunning, technically powerful, and conceptually groundbreaking. Steve has continued to focus on the strategic development of interactive solutions that deliver efficient yet engaging user experiences - solutions that reflect his own uncommon blend of technical and aesthetic sophistication. A board member of the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA), Steve is a graduate in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. Follow Steve on Twitter @sglauberman.

By steve-glauberman published February 13, 2013

Effective Content Marketing with Visuals: Your 5-Step Guide

content marketing imagesIt’s been predicted that visual media will become one of this year’s biggest content marketing trends, and it’s easy to see why. Humans are hard-wired to respond to imagery, and there’s value in leveraging this instinct for brands. As Fast Company wrote in a story late last year, “Two years ago, marketers were spreading the maxim that ‘content is king,’ but now, it seems, ‘a picture really is worth a thousand words.'”

By now most brands are tapping into sites like Instagram and Pinterest to engage with clients and customers in a visual context. There are, however, alternatives to this approach — along with supplementary tactics for enhancing it. What follows are five strategies for effective content marketing with visuals to start you on your way.Continue Reading

By steve-glauberman published May 17, 2012

Many Platforms, One Voice: How to Maintain a Consistent Social Media Persona

consistent social media persona, CMIEveryone has a personal brand, and if we have any desire whatsoever to nurture it, it very likely lives online. It’s comprised of the content that we publish, along with the things that are published about us, and it’s critical to our public persona, both online and off.

Whatever our objectives are for marketing ourselves (establishing a reputation as an industry expert, selling a book we’ve written, or finding a new job are just a few ideas that might apply), our personal brand can help us familiarize our target audience with the facets of our character that make us an appealing investment.

In other words, they reflect our personality.Continue Reading