Author: Natasha Giraudie

Natasha Deganello Giraudie is the CEO of Micro-Documentaries, which produces 1- to 2-minute documentary-style films to help purposeful businesses and nonprofits move their missions forward. Clients include the Clinton Global Initiative, eBay's Social Innovation, and Environmental Defense Fund. Natasha regularly speaks at leading events about video content marketing, storytelling and distribution. Contact her via Facebook, Twitter @microdox, or on her blog.

By natasha-giraudie published May 18, 2014

Using Video Content to Tell High-Emotion Stories: Nonprofit Marketing

man's face-frog on armIn theory, videos should be one of a nonprofit marketer’s most powerful tools. No content on the web today has the same viral potential of video, and few forms of content can match it for immediacy. In the span of a few minutes, videos can transport audiences to the front lines of an organization to experience compelling stories by sight and sound — the sort of up-close-and-personal impact that’s usually reserved for in-person meetings. As an added bonus, the potential audience for video content is virtually limitless, from conference attendees to readers of virtual annual reports to casual viewers on YouTube (the third most trafficked site on the internet today, behind Facebook and Google).

But in practice, many nonprofits are still lacking results. A 2014 report from the Content Marketing Institute reveals 92 percent of nonprofits in the United States are engaged in content marketing, yet only 26 percent deem their current content marketing campaigns effective. Continue Reading

By natasha-giraudie published March 28, 2013

4 Steps to Creating Video Content as a Gift to Your Audience

video content-gift to audienceAs video content becomes a more regular feature of content marketing strategies, we need to ensure that the same attention that goes into preserving the purity of the written content — without tainting it of promotion — goes into producing short films. All too often videos that were originally intended for content marketing end up focusing on the companies themselves, or on the products they’re trying to sell, rather than on the audience and the type of content it enjoys.

Like its written counterpart, the best video content marketing campaign is not about you. Instead, it’s “brought to us by you.” So actually, it’s all about your audience members and addressing their deepest aspirations in order to educate, inspire, and even entertain them. Continue Reading