Author: Derek Miller

Derek Miller is a content marketing strategist for CopyPress – a creative content production and promotion company catered to brands, agencies, publishers, and advertisers. Email Derek Miller.

By dj-miller published May 3, 2015

Who Killed the Content? Make Sure You’re Never the Suspect


It was 11:30 p.m. Friday after a few drinks when Vanessa conceived the idea. Glowing with excitement, she wondered if it would ever see the light of day. Nine days later, Vanessa met with Josh to discuss the idea. He nodded his head, took notes, and finally, decided that he would bring her idea to life.

Several hours later, Josh sat at his desk with a freshly brewed cup of coffee and reviewed the notes. After a few deep breaths, Josh’s fingertips hit the keyboard and, like a flash of lightning, the idea turned into a piece of content – young, vibrant, and excited at the possibilities of what it could do in the world.Continue Reading

By dj-miller published September 26, 2013

Prove Content Marketing ROI to Your CEO: 4 Values to Communicate

This post was co-authored by Raubi Perilli, who is an active manager for the CopyPress Community. You can follow Raubi on Twitter @RaubiMarie. 

finding value-content marketing roiJust about every content marketing company is publishing insanely thorough white papers full of statistics, aiming to prove the monetary value of content marketing.

The problem is that many of these reports label content marketing with stats that don’t provide meaningful insights to higher-level decision makers. Many CEOs and business owners simply don’t understand the lingo and numerical values related to content marketing terminology and analytics.

So for those who don’t speak the language, we have to find a new way to communicate.Continue Reading