Author: Devika Girish

Devika Girish is in charge of marketing content creation at MobStac, a mobile cloud platform for consumer brands looking to create mobile websites and apps across smartphones and tablets. Devika writes about everything related to mobile for businesses that enable marketers achieve their goals. Follow Devika on Twitter @mobstac.

By devikagirish published May 16, 2014

4 Ways Visual Content Can Enhance Your Ecommerce User Experience

runner-shoes-nike sales imageIn today’s ever-connected, increasingly social world, images and videos are fast becoming crucial elements of digital marketing. According to a recent Forbes report, brand engagement on Instagram, a social network that relies purely on visual content, has grown by an astounding 350 percent, year over year.

With the rise of social sharing, more and more brands are looking for ways to leverage visual imagery to enhance the value of the content they create and grab a greater share of audience attention. An ROI research report found that 44 percent of people are more likely to engage with brands that post pictures than any other media. Additionally, a Pew Internet study in the U.S. even suggested that the online content consumption has consequently reduced the attention spans of consumers. Continue Reading

By devikagirish published January 12, 2014

How to Create a Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategy

two mobile devicesA recent study by Nielsen and Google suggests that 77 percent of mobile searches are performed at work or home — areas where a PC is also likely to have been available. Yet, mobile website visitors have a 9.56 percent higher bounce rate on an average than desktop visitors. These conflicting stats demonstrate that, while there are tremendous opportunities for marketers on the mobile channel, there are also big challenges that need to be overcome.

Indeed, the 93 percent of B2B marketers who create content (as indicated by CMI’s most recent research) should mobile-optimize their content marketing strategy in order to extend the time visitors spend engaging with their content, and convert more of those mobile visitors into customers.Continue Reading