Author: Jenny Knizner

Jenny is Marketing Director at Moonlighting, an awesome tool that connects people looking to hire with freelancers and small businesses ready to get hired. She leverages her expertise in design strategy, content marketing, and conversion optimization to develop customer-centric, intuitive user experiences and marketing campaigns. You can find Jenny sharing marketing tips and puppy pics on Twitter @JennyKnizner.

By jenny-knizner published December 1, 2016

Google Analytics + Marketing Automation: How to Get Better Insights About Your Audience


If you are considering a marketing automation tool, you may be pondering: “If we’re paying for a robust marketing automation tool, why do we need a separate web analytics tracking tool? Doesn’t the marketing automation tool provide all that I need?”

While you’re asking the marketing automation vs. analytics question, don’t forget your sales or executive team. They probably want to know how all that marketing data works with the data in their CRM.Continue Reading

By jenny-knizner published January 26, 2014

How to Optimize Email Content for Any Screen Size

three screens-showing optimized contentEmail has been, and still remains, a top marketing channel. As mobile usage has grown in virtually every other aspect of the web, so too has it affected email content.

For example, over a six-month period in 2012, Litmus reported an 80 percent increase in email opens on mobile devices. It has also been found that 80.3 percent of mobile users do not tolerate or engage with email content that is not optimized for mobile viewing (up from 69.7 percent the previous year). Yet, many companies are failing to adapt to this changing consumer behavior. According to the eConsultancy report, just one-quarter optimize their emails for mobile, and only 6 percent integrate mobile marketing into their overall email marketing plans. Continue Reading