Author: Christopher Baldock

Christopher Baldock is a content strategist for Brandpoint, a content-based marketing solutions company. Christopher provides clients with enhanced, technically relevant content strategies to increase their website traffic and drive business. He continually develops new content-based marketing tools, and utilizes emerging technologies in the industry, to keep his clients’ content fresh, engaging and effective. Follow Christopher on Twitter.

By chris-baldock published March 26, 2014

How an Owned, Paid, and Earned Content Strategy Can Power Your SEO

three-pronged dart-content strategyIn this post, we’ll focus on how the keyword strategies of the past have given way to a new type of strategy that can help your brand succeed in a semantic search world: an owned, paid, and earned content strategyContinue Reading

By chris-baldock published January 27, 2014

Optimize Your WordPress Blog Content with Google’s Markup Helper

colored type-schema exampleIf you’re blogging on WordPress and looking for an easy way to move your blog content higher up in search engine results pages (SERPs), schema is a great way to do it. Schema is a markup language that you can use to highlight important information about your content — information that will be indexed by search engines used to determine its ranking. It was created by the four major search engines — Google, Microsoft, Yandex, and Yahoo — in an effort to help them present better results for searchers’ queries. And if schema is something those four are looking for, it’s something worth having in your content marketing arsenal.

The problem is, not everyone (even webmasters themselves) understands the correct way to mark up blog content with this new language. While is a great place to start learning about it, the site isn’t the most user-friendly of resources.

In this post, I’ll explain an easy way to add schema to your WordPress blog content by using free schema tools that are available online.Continue Reading