Author: Jeff Freund

Jeff Freund is CEO and Founder of Akoonu, a content marketing platform providing products and processes for developing an impactful, buyer-centric Smart Content Strategy. Jeff is a thought leader who speaks on a variety of topics, advises start-ups in go-to-market positioning, and consults to companies on the development of aligned content strategies and effective content marketing execution. Previously, Jeff was Co-Founder and CEO of Clickability, the leading Software-as-a-Service Web Content Management platform for digital marketers and online publishers. Connect with Jeff on LinkedIn.

By jeff-freund published October 22, 2014

Go Agile: Adapt 12 Principles to Content Marketing

rubik-cubeLet’s start with some introductions. Content Marketing, meet Software Development, whose job is to continually deliver high-quality, functional software. And Software Development, meet Content Marketing, whose job is to continually deliver high-quality content that has an impact. You have some big things in common.

One of the most helpful shared topics is how to run “The Factory.” For content marketers, it’s the Content Factory, and for developers, it is the Product Factory.

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By jeff-freund published September 2, 2014

5 Vital Classes of Content: A Simple Framework

rugby team-palm frond hatsI have a picture sitting on my desk of my college rugby team. In the picture, there are two rows of a total of 18 young men in red and white striped uniforms, each with a very serious look on his face, as the team is about to take the field behind them. What makes this picture unique, and what often captures the attention of passersby, are the hand-woven, flower-adorned, palm frond hats each man is wearing — obviously not typical of the standard rugby uniform! Continue Reading