Author: Dan Stelter

Dan crafts remarkable content for B2B, software, or SaaS company websites so they don’t leak qualified leads to the competition. Get your free checklist: "The Smart B2B Marketer’s Cheat Sheet for Consistently Creating Lead-Generating Content" when you subscribe to his twice-monthly newsletter: Dan's B2B Lead Generation & Marketing Secrets.

By dan-stelter published July 17, 2016

4 B2B Content Secrets You Fail to Use


“When writing copy, assume that your product is the last thing on your reader’s mind.” Bob Bly shares that great insight in his Bob Bly’s Secrets of Successful Business-to-Business Direct Marketing special report.

And yet, much B2B content marketing is relatively immature, focusing on the product, features, and benefits. As the research reveals:Continue Reading

By dan-stelter published January 29, 2016

7 Ways to Make Boring Web Content a Lead-Generating Weapon


Too many business websites aren’t useful marketing weapons. Instead, they’re like firing a gun loaded with blanks. Website visitors look at a page or two, don’t find anything relevant or helpful, and leave, never to return.

Your site’s typically static pages are the most overlooked lead-generating secret weapon in your marketing arsenal. Consider the impact of website content changes for these organizations:Continue Reading