Author: Kelly Reeves

Kelly Reeves is a senior marketing manager at Outbrain (a CMI benefactor), a content discovery platform that provides publishers a service for recommended links to increase traffic and generate revenue, and marketers a way to their distribute content alongside publisher's own editorial recommendations. She is the editor of the Outbrain blog and tweets at @outbrain and @kellyreeves.

By kelly-reeves published June 3, 2011

5 Tips to Improve Your Headline Click-through Rate

A well-crafted headline is the key to whether readers click through to your article. After spending so much time planning and creating content, it would be a shame for readers to miss out on your great content because your headline didn’t catch their eye.

To learn more about what makes readers actually click through, Outbrain, a content discovery platform serving content recommendations on top publisher sites, looked through data on 150,000 article headlines or titles that were recommended across our platform. The purpose of this research was to offer content publishers and marketers insight into headline characteristics that get the desired click-through. Here are our findings.

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