Author: Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown loves to consume and create quality content. Currently she serves as the content manager for Citrix Online, makers of GoToMeeting, GoToMyPC, etc. She manages the marketing content creation program and frequently speaks on webinars with experts and influencers. She believes that ideas should be expressed, people should create honest work, and quality always reigns over quantity. You can follow her on Twitter @ContentCr8.

By jessica-eastman published December 21, 2011

How to Create Content that Ignites Reader Conversation

In order to create content that ignites a two-way conversation, you first need to visualize your reader or viewer in front of you. Really picture that person in the room with you as you craft your content. What would you say to them in person? What would your mannerisms be? And what would they say back to you? Try to capture these conversational dynamics in your content.

These tactics increase your authenticity and connection to the audience because the message feels like a real conversation, not just a one-way statement.Continue Reading