Author: Pelin Thorogood and Erik Bratt

Erik Bratt is a B2B marketing and content strategist. A former journalist, he has helped both pioneering start-ups and major technology brands navigate the emerging digital and social landscape. He also serves as VP of Marketing at Tealium. Pelin Thorogood is a new media marketer and entrepreneur, and was recently named one of the 20 Women to Watch in sales lead management. Pelin also serves as an Executive-in-Residence for Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management.

By pelin-thorogood-and-erik-bratt published January 9, 2012

A New Breed? 7 Roles of the Content Marketing “Engineer”

According to a research report by Junta42 and MarketingProfs, the number one content marketing challenge is producing engaging content. It’s an age-old marketing truism that the key to engaging customers is relevance, which comes from a deeper understanding of customer behavior and sentiment. However, as our customers are becoming more social, and as the business and personal worlds continue to converge, the tools and tactics we employ to get to know and engage our target customers are changing dramatically. And not too surprisingly, the demands of this new breed of socially savvy-buyer are not only forcing the evolution of the marketing practice, but the marketing practitioners as well. Thus, a new breed of marketer is emerging: the content engineer.

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