Author: Andreea Ayers

Andreea Ayers is a Pinterest expert and author and she currently blogs at on everything from getting publicity for your brand to getting your products in stores. Her Pinterest marketing tips and strategies have been featured in national magazines, on radio and online.

By andreea-ayers published July 27, 2012

9 Pinterest Board Ideas for Content Marketers

pinterest board ideas for content marketers, CMIBy now you probably know that Pinterest is the third most popular social media network, right behind Facebook and Twitter. For some brands, it drives more traffic than LinkedIn, Google Plus, and YouTube combined.

However, there’s a big a misconception that Pinterest is only for products, crafts, or recipes. While it may have started out that way, Pinterest has now expanded its reach to marketers, bloggers, coaches, authors, consultants, local businesses, and everyone in between. With a little creativity and fresh ideas, you can use Pinterest to drive lots of traffic and sales back to your website.

As a content marketer, how do you make sure your time on Pinterest pays off, especially since your content might not be image driven? And what’s the best way to connect with others and form those relationships that are so critical to social media success? The answer lies in your Pinterest “boards” and “pins.”Continue Reading