Author: Mike Zammuto

Mike Zammuto leads a team of experts providing online brand management services at Prior to joining, he was the COO of ChaCha. Earlier in his career, he worked on .NET 3.0 at Microsoft. Follow Mike on Twitter @mzammuto or add him to your circles on Google+.

By mike-zammuto published February 15, 2013

3 Content Marketing Tactics to Defuse User-Generated Attacks

defusing user-generated attacksFor better or for worse, perception is reality among today’s online consumers, and if your enterprise has ever struggled with an adverse online reputation, you know exactly how detrimental it can be. A sour online image or comment on your content marketing efforts — driven by negative reviews, online consumer complaints, or even allegations of fraudulent activity — can all but ruin a company. And, while a positive online reputation often takes years to cultivate, it can be torn apart in a matter of minutes with just a single bad review.

Why is this? The long and short of it is that changing patterns in consumer behavior have made online reputations more critical than ever before. Increasingly, consumers consult with online review sites before making any major purchasing decisions, which is why your company’s online review profile can prove to be a make-or-break effort. The fortunate news for businesses besieged by negative reactions is that all hope is not lost — there are steps you can take to harness user-generated content marketing and get your online reputation back on track.Continue Reading