Author: Megan Brown

Megan Brown is the Social Media Strategist at iAcquire. Teaming up with the rest of the inbound marketing department, Megan creates and innovates within the social space to boost and cultivate client reach, reputation and resonance as well as develops advanced relationship creation and outreach techniques. When not cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Milwaukee Brewers, Megan is a personal branding and online reputation consultant for high profile social media personalities. You can find her on Twitter at @thatgirlmegan or @thatgirlondeck, or writing on the iAcquire blog.

By megan-brown published March 20, 2013

Creating Engaging Content: 3 Calls to Action that Get Conversions

engaging contet-get conversionsYou aren’t writing your content for your health — you’re doing it for the health of your brand or business. Obviously, then, if you invest your time and energy into creating engaging content, it’s no surprise that you should expect to see results in the form of conversions.

Calls to action are integral in creating a link between your content and conversion. They should be core to your content marketing strategy and exist in different forms throughout your site, as well as across its external properties, such as social media accounts.

You’ve likely examined the different ways you can incorporate best practices for calls to action within your site, but did you know that every single piece of content you publish can — and should — contain a call to action?Continue Reading