Author: Tom Chernaik

Tom Chernaik (@CMPLYTom) has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, law, social media and entrepreneurship. He is the founder and CEO of CMP.LY (pronounced “comply”), whose Disclosure Standard can help businesses and individuals alike meet their legal obligations while increasing openness and transparency on the social web. For more information on disclosure changes, download CMP.LY’s white paper.

By tom-chernaik published March 29, 2013

6 Ways Content Producers Should Adjust to the Latest FTC Disclosure Rules

content producersThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates advertising and marketing in an effort to protect consumers from being misled by advertisements or claims or deceived by the omission of necessary information.

Marketing claims, offers, and promotions often require certain disclosures to be in compliance with FTC regulations. To clarify when disclosures need to be made, the Commission released its Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising in late 2009. These guides focused on emerging digital channels (social networks and blogs, in particular) being leveraged in word-of-mouth marketing campaigns and promotional programs. This directly affected blogger outreach, along with sponsored, employee, affiliate, advocate, and influencer programs run on every platform. Continue Reading