Author: Steven Shattuck

Steven Shattuck is Senior Marketing Associate / Community Manager at Slingshot SEO. Recipient of the David Letterman Scholarship, he graduated with honors from Ball State University in 2006 with a degree in Telecommunications and Creative Writing. Steven has been published in Search Engine Journal and his work is frequently syndicated to Business2Community and Social Media Today. He also serves as Communications Director for the Irvington Halloween Festival, one of the country’s largest and longest-running community events, and helps organize Startup Weekend Indianapolis. Steven has spoken at national and local conferences, and is frequently interviewed by traditional media outlets in Indianapolis for his expertise in social media marketing.

By steven-shattuck published April 4, 2013

Transform Your Team into Epic Content Creators: 6 Steps

blogging teamContent marketers who want to be successful today face one major obstacle: scaling high-quality content production. Outsourcing the volume of content you need can be expensive to produce and difficult to manage, while relying on your marketing department to output several high-quality blog posts a week can lead to quality issues and burnout.

However, you may be sitting on a goldmine of epic content just waiting to be harnessed: your internal workforce. There is no substitute for the knowledge of subject-matter experts within your organization, but the challenge is transforming them into prolific writers. If you are serious about instituting a successful company-wide blogging initiative, here is a guide to help you get started.Continue Reading