Author: Mykel Nahorniak

As the CEO of Localist, Mykel Nahorniak develops and evolves the strategy of Localist as a product and company. His vision for connecting people to the events they care about is powering the calendars available to over 800,000 users. You can find Mykel on Twitter as @mvkel.

By mykel-nahorniak published May 6, 2013

8 Ways to Transform Events into Powerful Content Marketing

cmw events appYour company or organization may already be hosting great events, but are you developing a sound content marketing strategy to make those events more engaging? Are you actually turning events into content? Events pack a powerful content marketing punch, because people attending events will remember their experience at your event far longer than they’ll remember reading a blog post. If you start approaching events with the same strategic focus you give other forms of marketing, you can capitalize on this powerful source of content. Continue Reading