Author: Tobin Dalrymple

Tobin Dalrymple is a former national newspaper journalist, turned content marketer. He works at Pressly, an easy and affordable mobile publishing platform for content marketers to improve engagement with tablet and smartphone users. You can get more best practices and free advice on Pressly’s blog, or follow Tobin on Twitter @TobinTobin.

By tobin-dalrymple published May 14, 2013

5 Ways to Publish Content on Mobile and Grow Your Brand

publish content on mobileEveryone knows mobile is taking over. All you have to do is stick your head out the window, snap an Instagram, and you’ll see it: Little computers that we can hold in our hands are everywhere.

According to an Econsultancy and Adobe trend report, marketers see mobile optimization as the number one opportunity in 2013; yet they struggle with executing on an effective mobile content strategy. And while there are plenty of great studies out there that portend mobile’s takeover of the web, there’s not much information about the best (and worst) approaches to publishing content that is mobile-friendly. Obviously, mobile is a whole new ball game. So how do we play? Continue Reading