Author: Jen Houston

Jen Houston uses business disruption to propel organizations to the forefront of their industry by creating new categories and re-imagining established businesses. Jen, known as the "Easy-bake Oven of new ideas," was the founder of Waggener Edstrom's digital arm, WE Studio D, and currently consults on marketing and content strategies for PaperShare, the real-time publishing engine that turns content into customers. Follow Jen on Twitter @jhouston89.

By jen-houston published May 29, 2013

How Your Social Media Content Can Drive Sales-Focused Engagement

social media contentI have a pseudo obsession with rocks and hills. Not as much their geology, but rather I am fixated on rise, elevation, terrain, and the promised vista once you summit. The interplay between the human body’s abilities and the trail’s unique features fascinates me.

I find myself abstracting this passion in my work life. Five years ago, during a recruiting lunch, as I was selling my now dear friend and content junkie, David Patton, on a groundbreaking role as editor-in-chief of Waggener Edstrom, I described myself as a person who relished pushing big rocks up big hills. Without missing a beat, he asked if I knew I was a masochist. I knew he had the job right then and there.Continue Reading