Author: Ryan Harris

Ryan Harris is an Internet marketing strategist and copywriter who specializes in working with businesses, large and small, to develop strong brands. He writes for a wide array of tech sites including Connect with Ryan on Twitter @HarrisRyan30, or directly via email.

By ryan-harris published August 1, 2013

The Newest Social Media Content Features: What Marketers Need to Know

instabook imageConsumers already create and watch videos constantly, and then hit their social networks to find them, talk about them, share them, and create hashtags to help draw other viewers in. That’s a tremendous amount of engagement — and it doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon.

In fact, some new social tools have just come on the scene that are poised to make a big impact on social media content marketing: Facebook recently added hashtags to its own arsenal, Twitter introduced short-film creation in the form of Vine, and Instagram brought video to its growing set of capabilities.Continue Reading