Author: Dan Stasiewski

Dan Stasiewski is Technology Director at Kuno Creative, where he consults enterprise-level companies on content marketing, lead nurturing and marketing automation strategies. He has been developing online communities and building buzz for companies, products and brands, professionally, for nearly 10 years. You can connect with Dan on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus, or read more of his posts on Brand & Capture and

By dan-stasiewski published October 10, 2013

How to Amplify Your Content Strategy with Social Media Advertising

amplify social strategy-bullhornContent marketers work hard — after all, it’s not easy to produce the blog posts, white papers, videos, and eBooks that make up a large portion of a content marketing strategy. Writing, design, distribution — there are multiple steps involved just to get something created. Not to mention that there are so many competing content sources these days that each content effort needs to find a way to break through all the search and social noise. Regardless of how great your content is, if no one’s showing up to read it, it won’t have an impact.

How, then, can you ensure your content is reaching potential customers? We know that in a highly competitive content marketplace, simply relying on search and social isn’t enough. For example, in 2012, tweets, on average, had an 18 minute half-life, while Facebook posts had a half-life of 30 minutes. And search is just as complex to navigate, as it becomes increasingly difficult for marketers to keep up with the algorithm updates and changes from the major search engines. As a result, content marketers are relying on the hope that a rather vague (and subjective) quality content promise from Google will push their content to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Continue Reading