Author: Colleen Fahey

A senior marketing executive with over three decades of experience, Colleen Fahey is the U.S. Managing Director of Sixième Son, a unique audio branding agency founded in Paris, France in 1995. Working from a deep understanding of every brand's ability to strengthen its position within the marketplace by creating and owning its own audio identity, Colleen helps clients tap into the value that audio branding provides through the use of music and sound. Colleen makes her home in Chicago.

By colleen-fahey published November 8, 2013

How Audio Enhances Your Brand Content: Find Your Signature Sound

uses for audio dna-chartWhen I joined Publicis in 2000, I traveled the world to meet with Publicis agencies and their clients to dive into the core of their brand communication and to discover new ways of thinking about marketing. Much of our work centered on finding a common brand essence that would be understood globally, but could be interpreted relevantly at a regional level. I found that our agencies’ approach to expressing their clients’ brands was predominately visual, and that our use of music tended to be more campaign-oriented, not brand-oriented. Music was often chosen as a final consideration, not planned from the start. It wasn’t seen as a key element of a brand content strategy but, rather, as a somewhat insignificant aspect of a campaign.

It wasn’t until late 2011, when a friend invited me to attend the Audio Branding Congress, that my eyes — and ears — were opened to the power and potential of audio branding. I felt as if I had discovered a deeper way of connecting with an audience through a sense that was as old as the human race.Continue Reading