Author: Amanda Gallucci

Amanda Gallucci is an Associate Content Strategist at iAcquire, a content marketing agency with roots in market research and SEO. For a more in-depth walk through on why you need to perform a content audit, the right tools to do it, and what steps to take next, follow along with my latest eBook on Content Strategy for Digital Marketers: A Six Week Guide to Creating, Promoting, & Measuring Great Content.

By amanda-gallucci published March 25, 2014

4 Major Problems You Can Solve with an Online Content Audit

hand holding ball-auditIf your content department is operating in a silo, your online content simply isn’t reaching its full potential. You’ll find that opening the lines of communication among different departments not only helps you create better content, but also helps other teams in your organization do their respective jobs better.

By looking at the right metrics in a content audit, you’ll be able to find solutions to the following problems commonly faced by SEOs, social media strategists, and UX designers. Continue Reading