Author: Mike Nierengarten

Mike Nierengarten is the President of Obility, a leading B2B demand generation company specializing in internet marketing for companies with long sales cycles. Mike founded Obility in 2011 and has helped market B2B companies since 2004. In his career, Mike has helped great companies track online marketing performance through the sales cycle by integrating CRM and marketing automation platforms.

By mike-nierengarten published November 30, 2014

Why Your Content Is Sabotaging Your Lead Generation

15077053849_778cfd720b_oWhen a lead-generation campaign performs poorly, the main culprit often is an irrelevant or non-compelling offer – an industry-analyst report or follow-up phone call offered in exchange for the recipient’s contact information. In a rush to launch lead-generation campaigns, brands mistakenly repurpose content from sales-enablement or product marketing, creating a gap between the offer and what their targeted audience wants.

Sales-enablement and lead-nurturing collateral is valuable, but it is meant for prospects familiar with the brand’s solution. Content for sales enablement is focused on closing the deal. In contrast, lead-generation campaigns are focused on getting contact information. Successful lead-generation campaigns exchange useful, relevant and compelling content for permission to contact a qualified individual.Continue Reading