Author: Devesh Khanal

Devesh Khanal writes on behalf of Raynforest, an influencer marketing marketplace for brands to connect with like-minded influencers in the sports, health, and wellness. It shares guides on influencer, social media, and sports marketing on its blog and offers a checklist and templates on seed content. The Eyefi influencer marketing campaign was performed by Raynforest’s sister company Evolve, Inc.

By devesh-khanal published January 26, 2015

How to Use Seed Content to Build Relationships with Influencers


How do I get influencers to share my content? Content marketers are forever seeking an answer to this question.

You know that successfully partnering with influencers in your field could turn your great content into viral content. But too many of us never connect with influencers because we’re stuck on this nagging question: “How will I ever get this famous/busy person to give me the time of day?”Continue Reading