Author: Gregarious Narain

Gregarious is the co-founder and CTO of Chute. He is responsible for architecting and scaling the Chute platform which makes it possible to discover, organize, obtain consent and publish fan photos and videos — as a mobile app, photo gallery, banner ad, or even a billboard in Times Square. Previously, Gregarious was VP of Product at Klout where he helped establish the Klout Score as the standard for online influence. For new ways to measure, evaluate, and take action on data, check out The Modern Marketer's Guide To The Data-Driven Galaxy. Follow him on Twitter @gregarious.

By gregarious-narain published April 8, 2015

Here’s Why Real-Time Marketing Won’t Work (and What Will)

real-time-marketing-coverBack in February 2013, something amazing happened to the world of marketing: A brand did something moderately clever, which resulted in a year of analysis and attention. I’m talking about Oreo’s live tweet during the Super Bowl blackout at the Super Dome that sparked a craze for what has now been crowned real-time marketing (RTM).Continue Reading